Filing and Prosecuting Trademark Applications:
An application for a trademark can be made on Form TM-1 with a prescribed charge of 4500/- or 9000/- at one of the 5 workplaces of the Trade Marks Registry placed at Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai and Ahmedabad relying on the vicinity in which the applicant is living or has his essential vicinity of enterprise Or this can be filed through the online portal of the government. If its miles determined be ideal then its miles marketed with inside the Trade Marks Journal to permit others to oppose the registration. If there may be no competition or if the competition is determined in favor of the applicant then the mark is registered and a certificate of registration is issued. If the applicant’s reaction does now no longer conquer all objections, the Registrar will problem a very last refusal. The applicant can also additionally then enchantment to the Intellectual Property Appellate Board, an administrative tribunal. Trademark registration online Delhi . Territorial Jurisdicti...