
Filing and Prosecuting Trademark Applications:

  An application for a trademark can be made on Form TM-1 with a prescribed charge of 4500/- or 9000/- at one of the 5 workplaces of the Trade Marks Registry placed at Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai and Ahmedabad relying on the vicinity in which the applicant is living or has his essential vicinity of enterprise Or this can be filed through the online portal of the government. If its miles determined be ideal then its miles marketed with inside the Trade Marks Journal to permit others to oppose the registration. If there may be no competition or if the competition is determined in favor of the applicant then the mark is registered and a certificate of registration is issued. If the applicant’s reaction does now no longer conquer all objections, the Registrar will problem a very last refusal. The applicant can also additionally then enchantment to the Intellectual Property Appellate Board, an administrative tribunal. Trademark registration online Delhi . Territorial Jurisdicti...

Form Fee, Everything You Should Know about Online Trademark Registration

  Trademark registration Trademark registration process is identified as a visual symbol which is used by the business organisation in the form of the word,  name, device, label which helps in distinguishing the goods or services from the competitors or other similar products in the market that are owned by the business organisation. It is identified that trademark is an asset that is used to protect the product under the Indian law. for the purpose of protecting the trademark from being copied by the other competitors there in winter the word assemble must be applied for trademark registration. The process of trademark registration includes various steps and it is considered to be essential for the business organisation to have a legal expert, unlike  starteazy. The process of trademark registration The trademark application can be applied on a be filed by any person or legal entity with the identified by the government of the country. it is identified that you necessari...

Types of PVT LTD Company ?

  Three types of a private limited company can be registered. They are differentiated on the basis of a level of liability of the members. Following are types of a   private limited company . 1. Private  company limited by shares In such a company, the liability of the shareholders is limited to the extent of the members share in the company or the unpaid amount of share. The liability is limited to the paid-up or unpaid share capital of the member. A member is not liable to pay more than his investment in the company. If you want to apply for  Private Limited Company , you can go with  PVT Limited Company . 2. Private company limited by guarantee In such a company, a member gives a guarantee to be held liable. The liability of such a member is limited to the extent of his guarantee. He cannot be held liable for more than his guarantee to the company. The guarantee given by a member can only be called at the time of winding up of the company. 3. Unlimited c...

Easy Way to Getting the PVT LTD Tag - StartEazy

A Pvt Ltd company registration is the best form of company for a startup, especially one which is growth-oriented. The reasons for this are many like, Usually, startups have more than one founder so it is difficult to be an OPC. They also aim at getting cash from angel investors and Venture Capitalists (VC‘s) from the further issue of shares. Employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) in Pvt company enables employees to hold a stake in the startup. Moreover, a minimum share capital requirement of Rs 1 Lakh for incorporation has been removed. The government has offered various exemptions including a tax holiday. This makes a private company form more suitable. Certain conditions are to be met by eligible startups to be entitled to a tax holiday which extends to 3 blocks out of the initial 5 years. To claim eligibility, the company must be registered between April 1, 2016- 31 March 2019, and its annual turnover must not exceed Rs 25 crore and it must have obtained a cer...

Basket Of Benefits Under MSME Registration:

  MSME enterprises are the backbone of any economy and are an engine of economic growth, promoting equitable development for all. Therefore, to support and promote MSMEs, the Government of India through various subsidies, schemes and incentives promote MSMEs through the MSMED Act. To avail the benefits under the MSMED Act from Central or State Government and the Banking Sector,   MSME Registration   is required. This blog will help you entrepreneurs in understanding the Benefits under MSME Registration that Startups should not miss on. We are also dealing with  Trademark registration Online Delhi . Micro, Small and Medium sized enterprises in both the manufacturing and service sector can obtain MSME Registration under the MSMED Act. Though the MSME registration is not statutory, it is beneficial for business at it provides a range of benefits such as eligibility for lower rates of interest, excise exemption scheme, tax subsidies, power tariff subsidies, capital ...

Benefits of MSME Registration

MSME or Micro, Small and Medium enterprises, classified depending on the annual turnover of any business. Previously, it is known as SSI registered entities. The entities which are registered under the MSME Development Act, 2006 of the Central Government can have   MSME registration   certificate. The Act was introduced to develop and to promote the businesses functioning at a small or medium scale. Almost all types of business activities were eligible for registration under MSME before, but trading and other few business activities are now specifically excluded from the eligibility category. However the MSME registration is voluntary, entities prefer to obtain MSME registration online because of its numerous benefits announced by the government. We also provide trademark registration online delhi . Benefits of MSME Registration are as follows, Tax Benefits: By registering your business under MSME, you can get tax benefits scheme depending on your type of business such as gran...

Salient features of an LLP

 A Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) is a partnership in which some or all partners have limited liability. It, therefore, exhibits elements of partnerships and corporations. In an LLP, one partner is not responsible or liable for another partner’s misconduct or negligence. This is an important difference from that of an unlimited partnership. We also provides Trademark registration online Delhi . Salient features of an LLP An LLP is a body corporate and legal entity separate from its partners. It has perpetual succession. Being the separate legislation (i.e. LLP Act, 2008), the provisions of Indian Partnership Act, 1932 are not applicable to an LLP and it is regulated by the contractual agreement between the partners. Every Limited Liability Partnership shall use the words “Limited Liability Partnership” or its acronym “LLP” as the last words of its name. Every LLP shall have at least two designated partners being individuals, at least one of them being resident in India. Need f...